Running from 2006-2009, Medscreen was a project geared towards the promotion of films from MEDA’s eight Arab countries. As a partner on the project, the Ankara Cinema Association worked alongside Beirut DC (Lebanon), Europa Cinemas (France) and Europanet (Italy) and, within the scope of the project, organized dedicated sections at the Antalya, Istanbul and Bodrum film festivals. The declared objectives of Medscreen, which came to a close at year-end 2009, were: to organize film weeks of Mediterranean Arab cinema in EU member states and MEDA countries (Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, the Palestinian Authority, Israel, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco); to give Mediterranean Arab film professionals the chance to attend premier film markets such as Cannes and Berlin; to create a website on the cinema of Mediterranean Arab countries; to promote films made in Mediterranean Arab countries through DVD; to produce publicity films on productions shooting in Mediterranean Arab countries; to create a platform for collaboration between professionals from Mediterranean Arab countries.