Know My Name

Supporting her family of 13 on a wrestling salary, Evin - a Kurdish teenager and a Turkish champion - can’t buy bread alone as a female in her remote town. In the world arena, she’s one fight away from a future she can call her own. Her wrestling salary pays her brother’s university expenses - she gets nothing. His fierce objection to her wrestling scares her even as her success begins to change his outlook. Neither he nor her parents have seen her wrestle. One in four female athletes in Turkey choose fighting sports. Through boxing, wrestling and martial arts, more and more girls from poor, religious families are finding university openings and jobs. If Evin wins an international medal, the state guarantees her a teaching career. Through heart-wrenching losses and thrilling comebacks at the European and World Championships in Poland and Hungary, she must discover new strength to reach the podium.

Caner Kaya
Faruk Almighty
İnan Temelkuran
Kristen Stevens
Free Özgel

İnan Temelkuran
Kristen Stevens
The proposed Biberkök

Temelkuran Movie Music

Wounded Ozguner
Aaron Benign

Best Documentary Antalya
Best Editing Adana
Jury Mention
Special Jury Prize

18th Festival on Wheels