Extraordinary Tales

A feature film anthology composed of five stories of Edgar Allan Poe, each crafted in a graphic design style uniquely suited to the individual segments and inspired by visual artists and illustrators, whose style best expresses the psychological depth and complexity of Poe’s dark universe. In Extraordinary Tales, award-winning Spanish animator Raul revisits five of Poe’s most famous stories in different styles and moods, effectively capturing the uber-horror for newbies, particularly the young adult audiences the film is aimed at.

The Fall of The House of Usher: Roderick Usher calls for help to a long time friend as his mental state decays with he mansion he inhabits. Narrated by Christopher Lee

The Tell-Tale Heart: The perfect crime is unmasked by a murderer’s conscience and the innocent victim who haunts him from beyond the grave. Narrated by Bela Lugosi

The Facts in the Case of Mr Valdemar: A doctor, fascinated by the occult, is curious to see what happens to an individual placed under hypnosis while dying. Unfortunately, a friend agrees to become the subject of his experiment… Narrated by Julian Sands

The Mask of the Red Death: Prince Prospero seals himself and his friends in a castle to escape a deadly pestilence that is ravaging the countryside. But when the group indulges in a costume ball to distract themselves from the suffering outside their walls, the Red Death, disguised as a costumed guest, arrives to claim their lives…. Narrated by Roger Corman

The Pit and The Pendulum: The Pit and The Pendulum is told by an unnamed first person narrator whose credibility actually rises even as he is subjected to increasingly fantastic tortures under the reign of the Spanish inquisition.

ABD Belçika İspanya Lüksemburg

Raul Garcia

Raul Garcia

Stephan Roelants

1. World Cinema
21st Festival on Wheels