6-years-old Stefek has his head in the clouds. The bit of reality he needs, he imagines it. He closes small deals with destiny and does not shy away from white lies either. He loves to hang out at the train station and to accompany his 17-years-old sister Elka, wherever she goes. Sometimes he shows up at her dates or sqeezes himself in between her an her admirer on the motorbike. He observes a man on the platform who always just manages to catch the train. Stefek assumes that this man is his father whom he never met. He almost manages to lure him to his mother’s shop using one of his tricks. But sometimes tricks simply fail. Is it really his father anyway? Is it possible to just wish to have a father and to conjure one up like in a fairy tale? Which train do you need to take to get to your destination? A laconic and relaxed film about the power of a child’s imagination. And a poetic potrait of the Polish province.
Adam Bajerski
Cezary Grzesiuk
Zjednoczenie Artystow i Rzemieslnikow Sp
Damian Ul
Ewelina Walendziak
Rafal Guzniczak
Tomasz Sapryk
Tomasz Gassowski
13th Festival on Wheels