Future Lasts Forever

Sumru is doing music research at a university in İstanbul. To work on her thesis on gathering and recording an exhaustive collection of Anatolian elegies, she sets off for the south-east of the country for a few months. The brief trip turns out to be the longest journey of her life. In the course of the trip, Sumru crosses paths with Ahmet, a young guy who sells bootleg DVDs on the streets of Diyarbakır, with Antranik, the ageing and solitary warden of a crumbling church in the city and with various characters who witness the ongoing “unnamed war.” During her three-month stay in Diyarbakır while she is looking for the stories of the elegies, she finds herself having to confront an agony from her own past which she has buried until now. While they set off for an evacuated mountain village in Hakkari, she does not respond the questions of Ahmet, who can not understand the reason why they take such a dangerous journey, “Why this village especially, what is there? “If he takes up the heavyweight issue of the Kurdish question, Özcan Alper consciously avoids making any grand statements, resorting to provocation or didacticism. By blending real and fictional footage he is, in a sense, documenting the stories. And as in his first feature, he uses powerful visual language to do so, at the same time demonstrating in every scene how important a director he is for Turkish cinema.” Hasan Cömert
Germany France Turkey

Özcan Alper

Özcan Alper

Feza Çaldıran

Ayhan Ergürsel
Özcan Alper
Thomas Balkenhol
Umut Sakallıoğlu

Nar Film

Durukan Ordu
Erdal Kirik
Gaye Gursel
Osman Karakoç
Sarkis Seropyan

Mustafa Pepper

Best Actor
Best Cinematography
Best Music Adana
Turkish Film Critics’ Association Best Film Award
Yılmaz Güney Award

17th Festival on Wheels