When I Will Be Dictator

There are indefinable films, unique, almost immeasurable, that tumble into our lives one day, move in and just won’t leave us. Films that touch us and work on us, that move us and change us. But above all films that through their manner, their style, in a word, their writing, open roads for us, create pathways far away from the known and the conventional, giving us mountain air to breathe, the vertigo of crevasses, the adventurous freedom of the oceans. “When I will be dictator”, the latest film by Yaël André, is definitely one of those and that’s not all.

She impertinently plays with the idea of absolute power and combines it with iconoclastic humour, systematically diverting the meaning of these images to better construct these different worlds. By carefully selecting them, dressing them with background noises and sound effects, sometimes finding a piece of music to give them more impact, she has created a visual map of an improbable space that combines imaginary lands and inhabited utopias as so many zany, funny, exotic and bizarre realities. When I Will Be Dictator transforms the past until it has a taste of eternity, an eternal present where beings and things are suspended as if in an indeterminate limbo. A pure cinema experience, When I Will Be Dictator is a film to watch again and again. This is one film we have not seen the end of. Its lives are only just beginning.

Philippe Simon, Cinergie.be


Yael Andre

Yael Andre

Didier Guillain

Luc Plantier
Yael Andre

To die
Yael Andre

Marshal Hughes

20th Festival on Wheels
For the Love of Cinema!