The Peacemaker
The Peacemaker follows international peacemaker Padraig O’Malley, who helps make peace for others but struggles to find it for himself.
“In the heart of the world’s most intractable conflicts, Padraig O’Malley brokers peace using unorthodox methods and dogged determination. With no formal training in conflict resolution, he convened Northern Ireland’s key peace conferences at the age of 33. His uncanny talent lies precisely where United Nations envoys and diplomats fail—gaining a person’s trust. Face to face with dogmatic leaders, O’Malley can get them to tell their stories.
For five years, filmmaker James Demo follows the peacemaker through crisis zones from Nigeria to Iraq, and discovers an even more fractious frontline—O’Malley’s personal life. The man who creates meaningful connections for a living returns home to an empty apartment. A recovering alcoholic, O’Malley’s relationships with partners and an adopted daughter bear the scars of addiction to the bottle and work. Struggling against time, his demons and an exhausting career, can this formidable character find salvation for both the world and himself?“
Myrocia Watamaniuk
Erin Casper
Central Square Films
James Demo
Padraig O'Malley
Al Lethbridge
22nd Festival on Wheels
Paths to Peace