
Ali Tansu Turhan takes an inside look at cinema in his first feature film, Dialogue. The film opens with the auditions for an upcoming production. We are introduced to Ushan and Hare, played by their counterparts, Ushan Çakır and Hare Sürel, together with the director, whom we never actually see. The film within the film tells the story of a couple coming to the end of their relationship. As shooting begins, Ushan and Hare find themselves drawn to each other. In portraying a relationship that ends, will the protagonists be able to start a relationship in their real lives? Dialogue, which begins and ends on the same set, encourages us to reflect on the question of whether life affects movies or movies affect life.

Ali Tansu Turhan (Ankara, 1991) graduated from the Cinema & Television Department at Bahcesehir University. He participated in the Cannes Short Film Corner with his first short film, Portrait. His second short, Some Maniac, screened at many international film festivals. While still a student, he worked as cinematographer on Derviş Zaim’s feature-length film, Cycle. His fourth short, The Local Coffee Shop, screened at the Adana Film Festival.