2016 The Cardinal (Short)
2014 La bille bleue (Short)
2011 55 chaussettes (Short)
2004 Le théâtre de Marianne (Short)
2003 Fuyu no hi (Short)
2002 Ludovic – Un vent de magie (Short)
2002 Ludovic: The Snow Gift (Short)
2001 Ludovic II: un crocodile dans mon jardin (Short)
2001 Ludovic: Visiting Grandpa (Short)
2000 Coucou l’ourson! (Short)
1997 Le jardin d’Écos (Short)
1992 L’ours renifleur (Short)
1989 La boîte (Short)
1987 Charles et François (Short)
1984 Mascarade (Short)
1980 The Treasure of the Grotoceans (Short)
1977 Le château de sable (Short)
1975 L’homme et le géant
1975 Lumaaq: An Eskimo Legend (Short)
1973 The Owl and the Raven: An Eskimo Legend (Short)
1972 Tchou-tchou (Short)
1971 The Owl and the Lemming: An Eskimo Legend (Short)
1970 Matrioska (Short)
1969 Oddball (Short)
1968 Continental Drift (Short)
Co Hoedeman
Stop-motion canlandırmadaki ustalığı ve insan-toplum etkileşimini yakıdan gözlemleyen filmlerindeki teknik yaratıcılığıyla tanınan Hollandalı-Kanadalı yönetmen.